Sunday, April 1, 2018


Hello all!
Wow!  It has been a while. To be honest when I started this blog I started it as a means to show my creations that I made with all of my Close To My Heart products that I was selling.  Even though I wasn't posting for a while  I was still creating and still taking pictures.   Now I am no longer a consultant with any company and I figure that maybe I need to start sharing what I have been doing.   You will still see lots of pictures with Close To My Heart products because that is what I have mostly in my stash. In time I am sure I will try new things and different products that are not Close To My Heart because I know that there is a lot of wonderful stuff out there.  There won't be links to anything as I am not selling anything.   I am still trying to decide how I want to do this please bear with me as I make this new transition.  I am excited for this new adventure. Since it is still Easter today here is my card. 


Cute Cat Card

Good Morning! If you know me at all you know that I love cats! All kinds of cats and I know I could turn into one of those crazy cat lad...