Friday, October 10, 2014

Two things and a challenge!

Today I have decided to show you what I have been working on. I am a little bit hesitant to share this because I don't want it to look like I am 
"tooting my own horn".  If I can share this post with even one person and that one person wants to encourage someone else then I have accomplished my goal. Before the picture, let me share a short reason I am doing this.  This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month and there are a lot of pink ribbons out there and pink this and pink that.  It is wonderful!  I also know that there are many, many other kinds of cancer out there.  My Mom has cancer. It is in remission for now.  The doctor has told us that is will come back and for now we have chemo treatments every 8 weeks to try to keep it from coming back soon.  She is fighting this terrible battle along with millions of other people fighting the same battle. Cancer is a terrible, no good, very bad disease.  I have sat with my Mom many, many hours in the Oncology unit while she is hooked up to iv's delivering the dreaded chemo treatments. I have seen many people come through this unit and I see the tired faces, the sick faces, the weight loss and so forth as they fight this battle. My heart goes out to them. I have asked myself,  "what can I do to give these people, who I don't know a small something to encourage them?"  So I thought of a couple of stamp sets that would work.  I wanted something they could sit by their bed or their chair etc. to give them a tiny little bit of encouragement.  I am going to drop these off at the Oncology unit and have the Oncology nurses just give to anyone they think would benefit and maybe, just maybe make someone feel a tiny bit better. 

Maybe you can use this idea to do your own kind of encouraging.  Encourage someone today. Drop a card in the mail, call someone, thank someone , send a email.. anything!

As I have mentioned before, I love to organize.  I love having a place for everything and being able to find things.  My friends laugh at me because in my craft room, I am always changing and organizing that room.  They never know what it is going to look like when they come over!  So, because I love to organize, I love the CTMH Organizer boxes! They come in Small , Medium and Large.  I recently got the new sponge dauber organizer foam insert that fits perfectly in the small organizer.  I then decided that I wanted to get a dauber for each of my ink colors.  I labeled them and attached the labels with packing tape and now when I want to sponge a color to my card, I don't have to try to remember what color was on that dauber!  I just got it all set up and I am loving it!

 This is what it looks like with the lid closed.

Small Organizer box

Dauber Foam Insert

This what the labels look like!
Very simple, but easy to read!

Challenge for this next week!  If you comment on my blog a organizational idea that you have done. I will put your name in a drawing for a card!
If you encourage someone..let me know and I will put your name in that same drawing!
The more you do, the more chances you have to get a card from me! Maybe I will be generous and even do more than one..who knows! Have a great weekend!  Hugs!

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